How Should You Start Out In The World Of Stripping?

Stripping is about a lot more than walking up on stage and getting money thrown at you (we wish it was this easy). Instead, there’s actually a lot of work involved and most strippers have quite an advanced skillset that they use to so effortlessly work it up there in front of everyone. You can still enter the industry without some skills, of course, and will certainly pick some up on the way, but learning a few before you start can help a lot in getting you started on the right foot. In this article, we demonstrate what a few of these tips are to give you a much clearer understanding of what you might need to do before you run out to your first gig.

Don’t know how to dance? It’s time to start learning

It can be highly competitive being a female stripper in Melbourne, which is why following a few helpful tips can help elevate you above the competition, and the most obvious of these is learning how to best strut your stuff. Although you might think that you’re a shoe-in because you are super attractive, this isn’t the only thing that stripping is about (although it certainly helps). Even the most beautiful women will steer people away with awkward moves up on stage, so getting involved in some pole dancing lessons is a good way to start. If you think it ends there, though, you’re sorely mistaken! Good stripping is about incorporating a few things into your routine to help people stay involved during your entire set – think touches like liberal eye contact, doling smiles, and an astute awareness of your own body and how you can make it work for the punters in the room. If you don’t have big cash to spend on dance lessons or other helpful courses, you can find a lot of helpful tips online, particularly when it comes to resources like YouTube (which are fantastic for dancing tips and lessons).

Discover what kind of club you’d like to work at

If you’ve learned enough move to set the stage ablaze, congrats – you’re now able to find the strip club of your dreams to work at! This means you’ll have to take a little bit more time researching what kind of club might complement your vibes. Strip clubs can be very different in feeling, and working out what kinds of environments you feel most comfortable in is instrumental to you doing the best possible job that you can. If you don’t know what might suit, it’s not a bad idea to do some in-person research – visit some clubs near you or in the city and see what the girls are doing, what the patrons are like, and if it seems like a more upper-class or casual vibe.

Separate yourself from the competition

Although it might seem complicated learning how to really strut your stuff as a stripper, it takes a lot less than you might think – if you invest a little bit of time into understanding how to properly dance and learn a few interesting moves, develop your unique image for your excited audience and invest some research into discovering the perfect club to work in, you’ll already be doing a lot better than many of your contemporaries. Understanding how stripping is about selling yourself can help you market yourself a lot better as well – you’re a unique person, so you should also be a unique stripper!

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